Contractors’ All Risks Insurance
The construction business including residential, civil and commercial projects are capital intensive. The construction sites carry high risks as workers need to work in conditions that need extra caution for safety. The construction workers are regularly exposed toxic materials, heavy machinery and dangerous tools. Therefore, a construction company not only carries the business of construction but also the responsibility of the well-being of those working in it.
Contractors’ All Risks insurance covers contractors against loss or damage arising from insured perils in the course of construction of buildings, roads, bridges, dams, ports, rail and other similar infrastructure projects.
With the type of work and equipment used in the construction industry, Contractors’ All Risks insurance offers comprehensive and adequate protection to any building or civil engineering project under construction against any loss or damage in respect of contract works/structure under construction including construction materials, plant and equipment and/or machinery to be used on site, temporary structures and third-party liability such as injury, death, property damage.
Reach out to I&J Insurance Agency and let us provide you with the most bespoke contractors’ all risks insurance policy that will enable you to execute your projects with the full confidence and knowledge that you are covered against any potential construction related risks.